I have just completed a Grade 2 PYP unit of inquiry on ‘Exploration’. I was pleased that one of our activities had been to use My Maps to record our personal histories. Students used markers to record places that were relevant to them around the world, and added images to authenticate the location. I was pleased that we […]
Category: Course 1
As I continue on my digital inquiry I can appreciate that Heraclitus was right ‘Change is the only Constant’. Assessing the effectiveness of new technologies available in education, and the impact they are having, is an ongoing task. As I find authentic ways to successfully embed technology in my classroom, many questions have been raised […]
Activating Learning
Schools face many challenges when attempting to integrate technology effectively. These challenges include training, awareness, and the prioritization of appropriate technologies based on cost and benefit. The adoption of technology is never a ‘one-stop’ solution but always a continual process of upgrading, learning, adapting, purchasing, training and implementing new tools. It is becoming increasingly clear, at […]
Technology is evolving at a dauntingly exponential rate. As educators we are tasked with not only trying to stay up to date with new initiatives, but also creating ways for our students to use these effectively in the classroom. The ISTE Standards recommend that: Effective teachers model and apply the ISTE Standards for Students as […]
The Shifting Definition of Teaching
As I am approaching almost 2 decades of teaching I am able to reflect on a shift in my role as a teacher. In my early career in London my role was to ‘share knowledge’ and although we sometimes ‘looked something up in the dictionary together’ (just to model how of course) I was perceived […]
Papyrus to Paperless: The Evolution of Communication
According to the Oxford Dictionary to communicate is ‘To share or exchange information, news, or ideas.’ The evolution of communication has been a fascinating journey over the past 5000 years. From papyrus, stone tablets and smoke signals to postal systems, newspapers and telephones. Humans find ingenious ways to communicate. The last 50 years in particular has […]