I am now ready to begin my Course 5 Coetail Project.
My aim is for students to plan and design a new school. They will have to consider the relevance of the learning areas they design and hopefully add some creativity. The focus will be on working collaboratively, developing cooperation skills and listening to other perspectives.
I have decided to introduce MinecraftEdu in our school and to use this as the tool for students to design their learning environments. My first task is therefore to familiarize myself with MinecraftEdu. I decided to create a blog to document my progress.
As a group the students decided the best strategy would be to design new classrooms in small groups. I then decided to enforce the presentation zen principles of designing offline. I created a planning sheet for students to complete before they logged in to MinecraftEdu.
I aim for the collaboration process of designing and building to be beneficial for all students as they all have an equal voice. All students will design in groups and then build using their own computers build together online. This will give all students to collaborate and be creative when building.
As an educator my aim is to become more knowledgeable about MinecraftEdu by broadening my PLN.
There are 5,500 teachers using MinecraftEdu so I am now part of this online community using twitter lists, google+ MinecraftEdu communities and following channels by experienced MinecraftEdu educators especially Joel Levine and Colin Gallagher. This is helping me to understand the terminology involved and potential usage.
MinecraftEdu server is running!